Brighten your garden with Lupinus Mix, a stunning blend of lupines featuring tall spires of vibrant, colorful blooms. Perfect for borders, cottage gardens and attracting pollinators, these perennials add a touch of charm and drama to any outdoor space.
Bushy rose to about 90cm tall, with glossy green foliage and lightly-scented golden-yellow blooms, tinted warm orange, produced on upright, slender st..
A classic, deep velvety-crimson rose with a strong fragrance. The buds are a dark velvety red, the color lightening to cherry red as the blooms open...
Delphinium in VarietyA classic cottage garden plant. Delphiniums have beautiful tall spires of flowers. Mid summer blooming with flowers of white/pink..
Geranium 'Rozanne'Brighten your garden with Geranium 'Rozanne,' an award-winning perennial known for its vibrant violet-blue flowers and long flowerin..
Campanula 'Intense Blue'Campanula is an alpine (‘Alpine’ is a term that encompasses a wide range of small, hardy plants that are suitable to be grown ..
Dicentra SpectabilisAdd colour to your garden with Dicentra spectabilis, commonly known as Bleeding Heart. This enchanting perennial features arching ..
Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow'Ajuga is an alpine (‘Alpine’ is a term that encompasses a wide range of small, hardy plants that are suitable to be grown..