Autumn is Natures Natural Time For Planting
What this means is the ground is lovely and warm and moist so when you plant at this time of year the roots establish quickly and when Spring comes the plants are ready to grow. Up you get and out you go and start organising your garden for next year. The following are some ideas to get you going;
Jealous of all the fruit you see your friends picking? Well now is a great time to plant your own apple, pear and plum trees , we even have small compact varieties to suit even an apartment garden. If you prefer something a little smaller why not grow your own blueberries, blackcurrant, redcurrants and gooseberries (these also can be grown in containers).
Autumn Colour
This is something a lot of people forget about, we at the Lucan Garden Centre think it is very important for you to notices all 4 seasons in your garden. The following are some examples of some beautiful colour combinations.
- Acer 'Sangu Kaku'
- Acer 'Osazaku'
- Acer 'Aconitifolium
- Acer 'Orange Dream'
- Euonymus alata
- Leucothoe scarletta
We try and get the most flowering value from our bulbs and we have come up with the following recipe : get some snowdrops,crocus, dwarf daffodils, tulips (our tulips produce a minimum of 3 flowers per bulb instead of just 1, bluebells and anemones.
The rule for planting bulbs is you plant them 3 times the depth of the bulb.
Dig your hole about 6” deep, put your dwarf daffs and tulips in first, cover with some compost, next put you in your bluebells and anemones, cover with compost, now your crocus, cover with compost and finally your snowdrops and cover with soil.
This will start flowering in January and go through until about May. You can do as many of these planting pockets as you like. You can also do this in containers.
New Moss Control For Lawns
GREENFORCE LAWN GOLD This is a new product we stock that has Slow Release Technology and feeds your lawn throughout the season
It contains Organic Manure which feeds your lawn and Seaweed which helps stimulate healthy growth.
Nourishes the lawn with all essential nutrients
Has excellent action against moss, inhibiting its growth, while giving the grass the nutrients it needs to inhibit moss. Moss typically breaks down after a few weeks allowing the grass to thrive - no need to rake out.
An ideal feed which can be applied anytime from March to October.
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